At the start of this, the Fall 2024 season, I was concerned about the number of teams we had and how we were going to get in all of the necessary games so that we could finish the playoffs before Christmas. But then, a few things happened. The three military teams that we had all took this season off so that they could do military stuff. A few teams took the season off so that they could do Fantasy Football 24 hours a day. A couple teams from the summer had consisted of college guys who went back to school. I then got rid of a couple teams because they weren't in the League for the right reasons. All of a sudden, we were down to a slightly-more-manageable number and, coupled with my soon-to-be-patented staggered start system, when we got to October, we were substantially ahead of schedule. (Of course, it also helped that this year, there were five Sundays in September.
If we had continued on that torrid pace, we would have completed the playoffs by Thanksgiving and then spent the entire month of December in the dark. A frightening thought, indeed. Fortunately (he said sarcastically), the venue hosted out-of-season volleyball and shouldn't-exist-anywhere-on-Earth indoor soccer, both of which cut into our schedule. But, we're still a bit ahead of schedule as several teams have only one more regular-season game to play.
The playoffs will begin on November 24th and be done on December 15th. Then, we'll take off (for the holidays) December 22nd and 29th.
With five weeks left in the regular season, we still have five undefeated team in the League. I'll try to take care of that with this week's schedule.